Rested for few hours sleep after my night shift then went in to JB with Jacky at 12noon. He wanted to get his car fix and hand it over to his sister before he leave to Dubai.

The condition of the car was quite bad after an accident last year. The steering wheel needs to be change, the seat belts got to be fix, the air bag needs a replacement... We left the car at the workshop and went to have our lunch. Lunch was kway chap and their kway chap is actually kway tiao, quite nice...

After lunch we went holiday plaza and bought quite a lot of things then after an hour of shopping, its time to snack. Fried chicken set from McDonalds, yummy!

We went back to the workshop at 5plus but the car was not ready so we waited in the "customers' room" (that's what they call the room heeee)... Jacky told me he wanted to dye his hair before he goes over to Dubai but I thought it is already VERY BLOND!

While waiting, he watched TV program and me, as usual, took pictures!

He fell asleep while I was still awake taking pictures heeeee