Was on afternoon shift with Nathan, Jasmine and Ivy. After I took my report and settled my patient, I went in to help Nathan and Ivy to pack the store room. Store room was dusty and lots of things are like "no longer in use" but we dont dare to throw them away because "no green light" to throw.
Halfway through the packing, we received our pay revised letter, the amount is "better than nothing" heeee I was more motivated to work then!!!!!!
I admitted one patient in the afternoon and discharged her in the evening! *ROLLED EYES* While I went in to off her plug, she asked about my working experience, how old am I and whether I am married. I told her I am not married then her next question was
"Oh what are you waiting for? What type of man are you looking for???"
I dont know, someone I love and loves me, someone that I think he is my type lor hahaha.....
Next question was "Must have someone with you, friends cannot be with you forever"
Friends cannot be with me forever but man can meh???????? Unless you can find a very faithful man lor but again, how do you know whether he is faithful or not????? Men that are very faithful but very boring ~ I dont like.... Men that are very rich but no time for me ~ I also dont like.... So what I like? I really cannot answer...
Well, I told her probably I am fussy and it is not time yet, I am very comfortable with my life now heeeeeeeee I am still waiting for my Mr Right lor ;)
Halfway through the packing, we received our pay revised letter, the amount is "better than nothing" heeee I was more motivated to work then!!!!!!
I admitted one patient in the afternoon and discharged her in the evening! *ROLLED EYES* While I went in to off her plug, she asked about my working experience, how old am I and whether I am married. I told her I am not married then her next question was
"Oh what are you waiting for? What type of man are you looking for???"
I dont know, someone I love and loves me, someone that I think he is my type lor hahaha.....
Next question was "Must have someone with you, friends cannot be with you forever"
Friends cannot be with me forever but man can meh???????? Unless you can find a very faithful man lor but again, how do you know whether he is faithful or not????? Men that are very faithful but very boring ~ I dont like.... Men that are very rich but no time for me ~ I also dont like.... So what I like? I really cannot answer...
Well, I told her probably I am fussy and it is not time yet, I am very comfortable with my life now heeeeeeeee I am still waiting for my Mr Right lor ;)
Bala, I am a very faithful person leh... I never cheat one. Wana marry me? But I am not "Mr Right", U don't like oso. *HEE*
I'm sure Mr Right will come along. You can't hurry him. He'll come.
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM
Ai ya how come u r not Mr Right??? u r ms right ah????? uhmmm i think think see if i can accept or not k hahahahahahhaha
Phie Phie, at 11:55 PM
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