Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

OT ~ day 39 in DC

Officially in the OT today and seen two cases~ CABG and carotid endartectomy. Both took hours to complete! *TIRED* After the first case I went for my break and that was already 11am.

The layer of fats of the patient who underwent CABG was "this thick" (before we can see the rib cage). Those fatty tissues look very gross!!!!!! The patient is very huge... and because she is so huge, it took longer time to finish the bypass. The sewing of the rib cage already took more than half an hour! SOOooooo moral of the story is ~ DO NOT OVEREAT!

My lunch was hot and spicy soup that I prepared last night. These few days no "fancy" home cook food because I didnt get anymore grocery. I am trying to finish up whatever leftover in the fridge as it is the last week here.
The restroom in OT.... this picture is too bright but actually the restroom is decorated, quite nice!


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