Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Day 32 in DC

WOW, it's day 32. Another 11 days to go and I will be back home!

My breakfast today was "Banquet" with green bean casserole.

I was bored in ED. I guess it's because I am not specialised in this field and I do not know the system here so I really do not know how/ what to help. From what I can remember, our ED runs quite differently from here. These two days, I could only OBSERVED.... which made me YAWN...... in order to keep myself awake, I took toilet breaks occasionally, took pictures in toilet hahahahaa and went for lunch break!
Actually I am not hungry because I had my breakfast at 945am and I went for lunch at 12pm... what to do, just want a break! It was very tiring to OBSERVE leh (do nothing but just to see!!!) since I am here, I have been eating eventhough I am not hungry, sure fat!!!!!! I never want to weigh myself here hahaha never mind lah, like I said, once in a lifetime here!
I went to the salad bar and picked the favourite vegetables, croutons (favourite ah!) and some pickles. I had a big box of salad for lunch! It was cheap, it goes by weight and it cost me only USD0.78 cents, yeah!!!!!
Ran out of Italian dressing so I topped it with caesar dressing. It's not a healthy lunch, it's a fattening one but very nice leh, think will get it again some other day! ;)

FINALLY, it's time to go home!!!!!! Luckily today no strong wind heeee but still freezing! This picture was taken just before I reached my apartment.

The BIG raw fish (tilapia from Eastern Market)............. then the cooked one with seaweed mee goreng ;)


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