Cath lab ~ day 23 Monday in DC
It's Monday again... and today I was attached to the cath lab. It was a very big one with 11 labs with a big recovery area. The staff in the cath lab are so pleasant and friendly, I felt so welcome! Heeee well, I think it is definately a very nice place to work!
Break time! I went to the cafeteria to get a cup of soup, uhm very nice but I dont think I should drink it everyday! Very fattening and salty hahahaha then I ate the leftover pretzel stix that I brought and a crossiant from this morning breakfast counter.
YUMMY! My dinner! It was angel hair stirred fried with seafood and brussel spouts (oriental style) heeeeee GOOD AH!
WOW... their toilet got flowers one ah??? Impressed leh... U see our toilets... which one got flowers???
eh, the clams big leh... big and juicy! Salivate leh!!!
Anonymous, at 12:19 AM
yeah that's y i took in the toilet lor, so many cubicles! *sua gu* heeee
ya the clams very cheap, one dozen USD4, that day bought at eastern market!
Phie Phie, at 6:42 AM
Auntie EL, Most of your meals seemed heavy to me because I am a small eater. Do you exercise? Tips from your silly boy. I like your education talk and tour, 导遊. 安好S'pore 28 Nov Wed 12:29PM
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
i eat high cholesterol food mah....
Phie Phie, at 11:01 AM
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