Phie Phie's Blog

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Great dinner last night and tonight!

Dr Bernardo whom I know from the cath lab brought me to dinner yesterday night and tonight together with his friends. The food was really great for both nights! He and his friends are a group of really nice people and I am glad and lucky to have know them! ;)

Tonight was dinner at Carlyle Grand which serve "American style food".....

It is situated along the street at Shirlington.

The appetizers were calamari and nachos with spinach dip! The spinach dip was SOOooo delicious! I never tasted something like this before, it was so nice!
My main course was something "Itailian" though, it was "Jambalaya" which was recommended by them! There were fresh prawns, chicken, sausages and penne then some cheese I think... I dont know exactly what I was eating hahahahaha anyway it taste good!

I was SOOOOooo FULL but they inisited that I should try the "banana pudding"! Gosh, I am not a dessert person but it is my last night here in DC so I think I should give it a try!
Verdict ~ I never made a wrong choice, I LOVE the dessert! It was SO VERY GOOD AH!!!!!!!
I was too FULL so I need to flush everything down with a pot of hot earl grey uhmmmmm

This morning was so cold because I think the weather is changing again. Next week will be very cold and tomorrow will be having freezing rain.

Look at this mess!!!!!! I am really a very messy person uh!!!!!!!!! OMG!

This walk-in has never been this "clean" ever since I moved in hahahahahaaha...
Uhmmm so sad that I cant bring the sauces back to Singapore! Such a waste!

SOOOoooo tired after packing! Finally got everything packed at 4pm but a total of 5 luggages! Please pray for me that they dont charge me!!!!!

Last night was at "CHIMA" near the Tysons Corner. A Brazilian restaurant with very nice ambience.

It is kind of like a buffet style and I think it cost about USD55 per person. Those are the types of meat that they serve and the greens that they have at the salad bar.

Salad bar...

When you are ready for the meat, you can just flip this "coaster" over to the orange side and it says "Yes, please" then the person will come with the meat. When you have enough of the meat or you need to take a rest, just flip to the "No, thank you". Its so interesting!
I once been to one of these restaurant with Nathan in Singapore but they dont have this "coaster" system, so they kept coming to us "sirloin"??? "Char siew"???? Right Nathan? SO irritating hahahaha

At one time, all of them came together and my plate was full of meat!!!!!! Of course you can choose what you want but I would like to try out everything.


  • Hey Bala... by the time I post this comment, I think u r almost home. U are probably 3/4 way home... still in the flight..... just a little bit away from sg.

    Welcome home Bala!!!

    Oh... as for the meat story... yeah... the chef will keep coming to us, asking us if we want the "char siew" etc... haha...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:16 PM  

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