Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, December 14, 2007

Day 41 in DC......

Cannot believe that it is already day 41! Time flies..........

Bread..... Somethings that I dont eat but have been eating almost every morning!

I am trying to clear my fridge therefore I brought the last two boxes of banquet to finish it at work today! The chicken nuggets taste GOOD! ....... I was in CCU today because dont know where to go hahaahaaaaaaa tomorrow I will go back to the cath lab ;)

My friend Tammi! Want to know how I get to know her???
I met her on a bus the first week when I came to DC. We were both heading to a conference and we walked together after we get off the bus. After our conversion, we proceed to different lecture rooms for the conference. Thereafter we didnt get to meet each other.
The next day, I went to the staff clinic for clearance to work in the hospital and I met her there! We are not aware that both are working in WHC! We chatted for a while then we bid goodbye and went off to do our things.
I thought it was so amazing to meet someone twice in a foreign country. I should have asked which department she is working at so that I can visit her some time. I told myself if I am going to meet her the third time then we are really fated to be friends!!!!!!!!


I was out with a staff to one of the ward to review a patient. The staff told me that she wanted to visit a colleague in one of the ward so I followed. While waited for her outside the room, Tammi walked out from the room! We were like "AHHAHAHHHHH I cant believe this?!??!??!?!!" we were laughing away then we took a picture. One of the male nurse was like "What?? You know her?? She is from Singapore!" Tammi told him excitedly "Exactly! You wont believe this, we met each other many times!!!! On the street, on the bus... in the hospital....!!!!!" hahaha Unbelievable!

This is the stairs of WHC. The people like to take stairs and is encouraged to. Those who take lift going one floor up or down will be stare at in the lift hahahhahaahahhaa

Look at the mess in my apartment!!!!!!!!! *PAckiNg in ProGress*

My dinner was "everything mix"! The rest is cooked to bring to work tomorrow to share with some friends in the cath lab ;) I hope they will like my cooking!


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