Phie Phie's Blog

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Last day in WHC~ day 41 in DC

Carried 3 big bags to work today! One was packed with lunch, one with cookies and chocolates for all the departments that I have visited and my usual sling bag. It was heavy!
My breakfast at the breakfast counter...... Fresh orange juice and muffin. I love the muffin, so delicious, I ate two of it!

Pictures taken on the way to work...................

In the cath lab ;) Oh yeah, they love my "everything mix"!!!!! HAhahaha a lot of them came in to the tea room to try out my "everything mix"! I am so glad that they like it so much!

While I was in CCU distributing the cookies and chocolate, the head nurse came in with a chocolate cake! The cake was prepared for me! I was so touched! They are simply so nice!!!!!! They even gave me their CCU scrub and a WHC mug!!!!!! They are SOOOOooo SWEET!!!!!!!!!

BYE WHC.....................


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