Phie Phie's Blog

Monday, March 09, 2009

Yesterday at Vivo!

"I am belt up ready to go Vivo with daddy, mummy and yi por Yvette!"

"Daddy and mummy went cut hair then yi por pushed me around in my stroller. After I "put put" I fell asleep in my stroller heeeee...!"

"We had lunch ... I meant, they have lunch at Carl's junior! I... I had my milk milk before their lunch :( "
"We left vivo and went yiyi Cecilia's house. I took pictures with jie jie Genevieve!"
"Evening we went over to yi por Yvette's house. I had my bath and milk and slept in the cosy room with the air con on... ZZZZzzzzzz"

"This morning I turned and showed mummy again! Heee I stayed in the prone position to take pictures with mummy!"


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