Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My little boy

Joshua was very active yesterday. He turned and wanted to stay prone most of the time.

After a while he was tired and wanted to sleep so he cried! I pat him to sleep but then he insisted to sleep on his lateral side! I turned him back he cried again! He turned back to his side, used his right hand to pull his left hand so that he can stay in his comfort position! So stubborn!!! So I left him and he slept for almost half an hour on his side.
Today I have to send him back to my parents in law house because both me and Silly hubby working morning tomorrow.

"Daddy and mummy sending me to grandparents' house..."

"Mummy....... can dont go?????? I miss you and daddy!"

My little boy was holding my finger throughout and even after he fell asleep.
Joshua was sleepy...
Sigh... miss my little boy already...


  • I love that first photo. SO CUTE ah!!!!!
    Hello, Joshua!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:07 PM  

  • i also like that pict hahaha then the cried one very cute also, like very pitiful heee

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 9:04 PM  

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