Phie Phie's Blog

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"Hmmm mosquito bite me eventhough I sitting here quietly... look at my face and palm... :( "

"When daddy is not around I will stick to mummy..."
"I made noise so mummy left me on the rocker..."

"BUT no worries coz daddy came home! So I stick to daddy!!! I sayang daddy so that he will carry me heee!"

"Daddy and mummy brought me to AMK hub NTUC today. Daddy carried me and brought me around the supermarket. The place was crowded and cold so shortly...

... I fell asleep! Back home I slept on the playmat! ZZZzzzz"

Jenna and Ronnie were invited to our house for steamboat dinner (a post cny gathering as they went for long holiday)... a nice gathering ;)


  • hmmm.... johnson's baby soothing naturals... nourishing lotion... those... green bottle.. ard ~$20 I think... it works for my bb (keep the mosquito away)....

    I had a hard time looking for them... managed to get them from kiddy palace...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:55 PM  

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