Phie Phie's Blog

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pictures taken these few days

Day 1 of lunar new year~ these were some food prepared for the dinner. I like my new dining table because it can be extended. Just nice to sit about 10 person but still we have to take turns to have our dinner! (coz about 20 over relatives came to my place!)

First time Joshua wears sleeveless tee heeee I like it leh so I started wearing it for him most of the days during day time!
Joshua can now turn and stay still at a side!

The "muscular" Joshua!

Joshua worn nice nice to grand auntie Yvette's house but after I changed him he fell asleep!!! Ai Yo!

The very standard healthy gambling at auntie Yvette's house hehehe

Joshua with Simin yiyi and Grand auntie Yvette!
Our family photo!
This is my favourite photo with little princess Genevieve!
Little Theodore!
This jump suit is from Auntie Eunice, it looks so cute on Joshua heeee this was the third set of clothes that he changed at auntie Yvette's house. The initial one was stained by his vomitus, the second one was stained by his poo!!!!!! The above was the third set of clothing! (luckily we brought many extra sets coz we know his pattern!)


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