Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My brave boy!

Today was Joshua's appointment and injection day. We kept reminding him to get him ready for the "5 in 1" jab.

"Injection? Not worry about it! Take a nap before I see the doctor! ZZZzzzzzzz"

"Mummy said go see doctor must wear nice nice..."

"OEI, I have been waiting since 315pm and now is 430pm and it's still not my turn yet! I sit until my legs tired!!! What is this?!?!!??!
After the appointment we brought Joshua to another room for injection. Silly hubby was told to hold his arms and me to press down his thigh to prevent him from kicking. The nurse injected him and we expected a loud cry BUT he didnt even move! He just stared at his daddy and just stay very still coz we were pressing him down. My little boy is so brave not like me hahahaha people have to chase me around to jab me or I will have to hold towel, hold pillow when people give me injection!

I showered him when we reached home THEN he turned! Heee so cute... anyway... hope he dont develop fever after the jab...


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