Phie Phie's Blog

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Work and my little boy...

Is getting tired because didnt really have any good rest for the past few days. I have been doing almost all morning shift except for last Thur then followed by Fri rest day but have to wake up early to go livecourse. I was on morning duty on both Sat and Sun... what to do, I dont set my own roster so cannot comment.
Anyway... fortunately at least after I knock off I can get to see my little boy. He makes me forget all the craps that I face at work!

Holding the milk bottle for a while thennnnnnnnn SLEEPY!
First time left him on the car seat heeeee he was very obedient throughout the journey from AMK to my workplace then to Jurong! He was admiring the scenary and was also babbling heeeee

At Auntie Yvette's house~ Joshua was playing happily with his Silly daddy!
It's 7PM! Little Joshua was cranky again! After he finished his milk he slept and on the way home he was sleeping soundly on his car seat!


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