Phie Phie's Blog

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Joshua is 4 months old today!!!

Woke up early in the morning to shower!
"I am going to shave my hair because I am 4 months old today! I am going with daddy, mummy and yi por Yvette!"
Went to KKH to one of the shop "Hua xia tai mao bi centre" to shave Joshua's hair and at the same time use his hair to make hair brush.
Joshua was asleep initially but after a while he woke up. Fortunately he was very cooperative in fact I felt he enjoyed the process hahahaha

Sat up to shave the back of the head.

"YEAH! It's done!!!"
"In the car seat way to AMK hub to get some groceries..."
"HEee I like my new look! Feels cool..."


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