Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, December 19, 2008

The past few days...

Well, the past few days has been busy. Besides went around searching for the suitable lights, furnitures and electrical appliances, we also pampered ourselves with good food.

Brought papa along to enjoy our favourite "paper wrapped chicken"... guess what. The last round 3 of us had 42 packets and not enough so this round we ordered 64!!!!!!!! Wow... we were impressed with ourselves hahaha

One of the day, we went Ikea and we had dinner there. The chicken wings and meatballs were my favourite!

Yesterday was more relax but also a tiring day. We were in Orchard since afternoon but fortunately managed to get all xmas presents in Taka. After the tiring day, we had thai food at the fine dining thai restaurant "Sabai" in Taka. Always enjoy eating there because they served quality food and provide good service.
Look at the presents that we got for everyone... however we also not forgetting to buy something for ourselves but it's some cheap stuff coz BROKE already hahaha. Finally Silly hubby also bought a "FAKE TULIP" for me! Haaaaa... I dont mind though it's fake because can keep it forever mah ;)
My stylo boy! Haaaa

"Daddy I dont want to take photo, I want you to put me down and play with me!!!"


  • I missed Ikea in Singapore, not the furniture but the chicken wings... In Sweden, though Ikea is originated here, they dun have chicken wings... Only salmon, meatballs n maybe chicken breast.. ya, last , of cuz their fav.salad... Envy u can go SG's Ikea..

    By Blogger Ah Sin, at 5:58 PM  

  • Yeah it's taste really good once in a while but I would say the best is still chinese food!

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 2:40 PM  

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