Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, December 12, 2008

The past days...

"YEAH! Get ready to go back to grandpapa's house in AMK!... Why daddy so slow... I take a nap first...ZZZZZZzzzzz"

"WOOOooo come back grandpapa's house... hmmm the cot here is so comfortable!... Mummy busy chatting with her friends in msn so I helped her to hold the milk bottle heeee"

"Today mummy brought me to AMK hub to meet auntie Walla and auntie Elaine. Auntie Walla played with me and pat me to sleep! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz"
"Auntie Elaine told me to pull Auntie Walla's sunglass! Heee..... A picture of us!"


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