Phie Phie's Blog

Sunday, November 30, 2008

"It's playtime! *Play play play* YEAH........."

"Mummy said time to sleep must sleep and I like to sleep with daddy... Hey, I big boy already, I got muscle!!!!"

"Why night time must change to pyjamus? Why cannot wear shorts shorts and T shirt? Mummy wore the adidas socks for me, it's bought by Cecilia yi yi!"
"Next morning after shower I dont want to drink nan nan, then daddy angry with me :( ... daddy's face so black, Joshua scare scare..."

"Daddy angry with Joshua so dont want to carry me, burp also make me sit down on the bed :( then left me on the rocker alone... Joshua next time will behave, dont make daddy angry!"

Mummy: "Joshua... smile!"
Joshua: "Mummy, like that not nice meh? Why take photo must smile???"

"To make mummy happy... I smile lor...!!!!!!!!!"


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