Phie Phie's Blog

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our little mischief!

"Box box box! I like to play boxing with daddy!"

My very first 40ml of breastmilk! Gosh... took me 20mins to do it! However every drop in the beginning is very precious so 40ml is a lot!!!

"WHAT HAPPEN?!??! Why wake me up so early??!?!?! Why dress me up????!?!?!? WHY?!?!" *FROWN*
"You ALL SO NOISY! Please spare me! I WANT TO SLEEP!!!!!!!"

"Hmmmm I know.... maybe I can pretend to sleep, pretend to be VERY TIRED then they may put me back to bed!" *ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz*

"AI YAH! Bring me to the polyclinic again! The nurse entered my race wrongly leh, daddy asked her to change immediately! Blood result showed I am OK, yeah! I dont need to go back to the polyclinic again!"


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