Phie Phie's Blog

Monday, October 20, 2008


Started a two days training from today and the venue is at the ex Meridien hotel (now known as Concorde). The training is about understanding of EQ and I enjoy the training so far. Most importantly I am on this course with some people that I knew like Lee lian, Sye lin, Siew Eng etc etc... Lunch time we went to the food court and had the so called famous Korean food. I find it all right only however the portion given is more than enough to fill up a hungry person's stomach.
After the training, I went to PS to buy some groceries and dinner. I bought a roasted chicken, jumbo sausage, canned soup and baked beans for our dinner. Silly hubby picked me up and we had dinner at home (too lazy to go out to eat!)... We have always been lazy...
Look at the roasted chicken, looks more like roasted duck hor!??!? It taste good but I still prefer Giant's ones. The jumbo sausage is also all right only because the herbs taste a little funny. This dinner cost only $11!
Now my blog is always about food because nothing much happening. I supposed next month onwards will be all about the little prince "Joshua"! Heeeee


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