Phie Phie's Blog

Thursday, October 09, 2008

eat, eAT, EAT!

This morning I drank an essense of chicken with cordyceps to keep myself awake because I expected a pretty long day at work. I thought it is to keep myself awake but one of the sister mentioned it can also improve the appetite. I didnt know and never expect it is really true!
As usual I had my coco crunch in the office at about 7plus then I started work. At about 9plus my hands suddenly trembling so I swallowed a few spoonful of nasi lemak and I felt so much better after that. I think I was hypo but because I was waiting for a colleague to come back from her break so I have to wait for my turn to break.
Finally I went for my break at 10plus and I had a big bowl of mee siam and a packet of chicken rice! WOW... amazing... and I felt just nice only. In the afternoon, I finished my half packet of nasi lemak heeeee really ate a lot today.
This evening, Silly hubby and I went AMK hub and he suggested to go New York New York. As we walked in, we saw many people ordered the meat platter for two. Saw a couple who left about half a piece of chicken and some sides and saw a table of 3 left a quarter chicken and some wedges. One couple even packed some of the leftovers.
I told Silly hubby not to order appetizers or desserts because I think we cant finish the meaty main course.

There are 4 pork ribs, one piece fried chicken cutlet, one whole chicken, some potato wedges, coleslaw, baked beans and corn. ($36.90).

We finished EVERYTHING hahahaha... Actually... not a lot lah, it's "OK" for the two of us. I know he can still eat somemore!
After dinner, silly hubby actually went NTUC to get a loaf of bread. That's his favourite.


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