Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya to my muslim friends!
This morning woke up early to make a burger for Silly hubby to bring to work. Yeah, Silly hubby always need to work 24hours on PH day. Anyway, it's ok lah, still get to see him very often hahaha....... he called me at work and told me he loves the burger asked to make again tomorrow. Uhmm depends on mood lah, not everyday so "ON"!
After he went to work, I went back to take a nap then Jenna sms me at 9am for breakfast so I went with the couple. The market was so crowded! As usual I had mee siam. There are many stalls in the market but always dont know what to eat.
After breakfast I bought vegetables and two pieces of fish for dinner. I pan fried the fish uhmmm tasted so good. It's so fresh and tasted like scallop! I dont know what this fish is called but I remember this is the fish that mum last cooked. That evening, she chopped this fish into pieces and stirred fried it with black beans, chilli and garlic. It taste very good... I still remember she cooked bean sprouts and brewed a very nice soup that evening... always recalled mum as a very good cook. That was the day she invited auntie Yvette to our house to have dinner together and the next day she was electively admitted for TPN........ it was on 27th May.

My simple and cheap dinner. Vegetables $1.70 and fish $1.80. Nowadays vegetables are so expensive but vegetables are my favourite, cannot do without it.


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