Phie Phie's Blog

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Lunch and SG Flyer

Lunch was at Allson hotel this afternoon from 12noon to 4pm. There were about 30 of us gathered there for a wonderful lunch and at the same time celebrated Alvin and Jolene's birthday!
After lunch, we went to the SG Flyer! Hmmmm Joshua was rather quiet today and I was lucky! He did not come out when I was on the flyer hahahaha.......
There were 30 of us so they separated us into two groups in two capsules. Grandma was on the wheelchair so they actually stopped the flight for grandma to go up! Wahhhh so big shot leh! We were the first group in the first picture. Saw many of them waving to us outside heeee so fun!
I took a picture of the rest of them in the other capsule which was the one grandma was in. Actually if we can all be together would be even nicer but I guess it would be too noisy and stuffy in the capsule!
This baby boy is so cute, he is my auntie's nephew. Though today was the first time we met him, he just likes to stick to Silly hubby. Times and again he wanted Silly hubby to carry him and we dont understand why haha... then his brother the little boy also followed Silly hubby when were on the flight.
Silly hubby kept talking about this little baby boy. He is very excited and cant wait to see his baby Joshua!

Little Genevieve was running about while in the flight ;)
The big fat me with Silly hubby...
It was a great evening..................

The moment I reached home and had my shower, Joshua was VERY extremely restless. Silly hubby can see his legs and fingers pointing out and he made me so uncomfortable! I felt as though he is popping out pretty soon!
I am feeling very excited but a little scare as well..........


  • Genevieve's hair very curly hor?!! aiyoh... hope she dun have to face my problem when she grows up... many many hair, very thick and curly...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:41 AM  

  • hers is really curly haha not thick but very curly... yours at least is not like hers so curly... hahaha but quite suits her

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 10:52 PM  

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