Phie Phie's Blog

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Outing day!

"Everytime squeeze me so tightly to take photo... hmmmmm"
Today no one look after Joshua so we brought him out with us to the salon at Vivo and then brought him along to deliver the first month cakes. We were very very glad that he was really "guai". He only made noise twice because he wet his diapers, otherwise he was all the way asleep throughout the journey. Poor Joshua travelled with us since 11am till 830pm however like I said we were glad that he really behaved. Our first "outing" and WE MADE IT!
P/S: Oh he peeped when people gave him ang bao!!! Heeee
The first month cake from "Melrose"...

After hair cut we did not go Carls Jr... but we went BURGER KING! Haaaa dont care lah, just eat lah. People said dont eat "cooling food" during confinement, I am sure fast food is not cooling, it's super heaty.
Tomorrow is Joshua's first month and is my end of "hell experience" confinement day!


  • hey hey prissy.. thanx for the goodies.. yummy.. and, hapi first mth bdae baby joshua..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:53 AM  

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