Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

About work...

Have not been blogging about work for a very long time. Well, I started work in another station after my maternity leave. I feel every station is about the same, patients are either very fussy or very good or either very sick or quite well. Of course we wish for the good for everything but that is not possible. There is always a mixture of everything that makes life challenging.
I have a patient who is very attention seeking. His days are numbered that's why he seeks attention from everyone. Wants people to massage him, wants people to please him, wants people to attend to his needs, wants this and that...... everyone gets tired and sick of him. Sometimes I find him very pitiful but then at times I really find him irritating when he makes things difficult for everyone of us. He likes to say "Why are people treating me like that? Why dont attend to me??? This is not the way to treat me!!!" But did he ever reflect how he treated us???
About the staff in the station... it is a very sensitive topic. I should say every staff got their strengths and weaknesses. Hope that some of them could build up more strengths in them.
Generally it is quite a nice ward to work in because I got a very good partner. Sister Lee is humble and approachable. I am lucky to be able to work with her.


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