Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas eve...

"This morning daddy and mummy brought me to SGH for check up. Dr said I grow well and BIG! Heeee I am now 5.1kg and 56cm tall.
We went Auntie Yvette's house after appointment!"
"This is a present from Auntie Yvette and a green tea from mummy kekeke"

"Everyone carries me wish that I will bring them good luck and true enough, one of them strike 4D!!!!!!!!! It's a sum of 5 digits!!!!! YEAH! I AM THE LUCKY BOY!!!!!!!!!"
"I am daddy and mummy's precious!"
After Auntie Yvette's place, we went back parents in law's place to have xmas eve dinner. Mother in law prepared a lot of food. Laksa, salad, cheese and chocolate cakes, cupcakes, pasta etc etc... all made by her and there were also ham and turkey bought from NTUC. I like the turkey, it is not as dry and tough as I used to had in previous years.

It's 12MN.....
I would like to wish everyone a MERRY XMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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