Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Those were the days!

I dont know how many year old exactly are these pictures but I know it is all are at least three years ago! Those were the days where I was still wearing specs and those were the fun and enjoyable moments with my colleagues!

Nathan is not known as Nathan at that time hahaha and I am also not known as Bala!

Jasmine and me! I remembered she pretended to be the patient lying on the bed hahahaha

We seems very free hor..........

The "pig" Alice with me! I think we were on night duty.

A gathering at NM Ong's old flat and East coast for cycling!
Group picture in the ICU and Aisha's place on Hari Raya.
Choon Chai and Meili's wedding and Koh's ROM..............


  • The SARS period. Very memorable!

    Oh my... look at Bel!!! So slim!!!

    Memories... Thank god for cameras (or whoever invented camera)!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 AM  

  • yeah that was what i wanted to mention but forgotten! the camera hahaha.... yeah everyone changes lah!

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 4:58 PM  

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