Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, July 04, 2008


Was on training for a couple of days and I was back to work this afternoon. I thought it was good to go for training because I can get away from work. Sigh, I was wrong. The training, frankly I dont find it useful. Half of the time I was dozing off, the chair is SO HARD and I have to sit from 8am-430pm. Some enjoy asking irrelevant questions and some like to "chat" with the trainers which took up a lot of teaching time (hence we went home late). I was rather frustrated because I felt I was wasting my time there.
Back to workplace is nothing better. Many stacks of case notes to check, roster to amend, allowance form to fill, countless things to check, busy in every station............... so ironic, sit we complain, work we complain, dont work also complain... is this what we call "life"? However at this point of time, if I can choose, I would rather sit at home and do nothing ~ with pay ;) that would be wonderful.
It's hard at this point of time. Just got married, expecting, work, and mum is no longer around with us... I told dad we are so used to seeing mum everyday for the past 29 years and suddenly when she was no longer here, I find it so very hard to adapt. I think of the days how she used to doll me up and take care of me when I was young, I think of her when she was well she used to go around everyone's house to visit, I think of all the good food that she prepared for us, I think of those days when she was in the hospital... I think is because I do not want to forget. I am afraid that I will forget how she looks like. I want to keep her forever in my memory, in my heart.


  • Hmm.. sit around with pay can also be boring and frustrating after a while, esp when everyone around you is busy with work. ^.^

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:59 AM  

  • Life is full of challenges and tests and somewhere down the road, we are given more responsibility when we accumulated years of work experience and being given supervisory role. Trust in ourselves that we can walk thru this phase of life. Subsequently, we will tone down for the younger generation to take over and it's time to relax. That time will come. During the waiting, we can fall back on those who cld share and give encouragement so that we can move on. 加油, Jiayi.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:43 PM  

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