Phie Phie's Blog

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Mum's condition

Yesterday was terrible. Her platelet count despite transfused never come up instead it was dropping. Parameters seems perfectly all right and everyone thought that her condition improves. However I knew she is not improving because her abdomen was tensed, her platelet count was dropping and her urine output was not good. I told the rest of the family about her condition, and they were upset. Everyone went in to talk to mum to encourage her to fight on.
Cecilia stayed overnight with me in the hospital. We chatted for a while and I fell asleep at 2am and woke up at 730am! I had a good rest.
I went in to see mum this morning. Surprisingly, they told me they off the sedation and she was restless. I am glad that she was restless, at least she is "still there". I called her and she opened her eyes but not looking at my direction. She rested and then I called her again, she opened her eyes and do the same thing, this time moving her limbs. I am quite sure that she can hear something but just that the sedation effect was still there. Her abdomen became softer and her platelet count went up without transfusion. Her creatine is 71 which is normal.
I was glad. She really got the fighting spirit. She really do not want to give up and is fighting hard because of our encouragement. Well, later part she was rather restless after they off the sedation hence the respiration was not good. They have to sedate her again to let her rest and let her depend on the ventilator again.
At least something positive today......... Buddha, please help us to bring mum back to good health.


  • I read your blog everyday to keep myself update from your mum's condition. I hope she will be well again and healthy!! buddha will help those kind souls. Be strong!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:30 PM  

  • Stay positive & be strong. Yr mum will overcome this difficult period.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:27 PM  

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