Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, June 06, 2008

Buddha, please help mum!

Wednesday evening I went KK after work. I bought dinner and had dinner with mum. As usual I told her what happened during the day at work, I told her about grandma readmission and I accompanied her to the toilet, saw her had her tea and bread then I charged her hp before I left the ward at 830pm. She was well then, told me to go home and rest.
The next morning, I went for training. Around 10plus I received a phone call said that they were transfering mum to women's ICU. I was lost. I didnt know what happened and I wished I can be there stat! After I informed boss, I rushed to KK.
I went to the ICU and was told that mum was in the scan room. One of the Dr mistaken me as one of the daughter of a decease patient. She said "I am so sorry, I didnt expect it to be so fast. Have you go to the morturary?" I was in the state of shock. I dont know how to describe that feeling, I cant cry and I just dont know how to react. I just looked at her blankly then I mumbled "Uh??? Not in the scan room??????"
After that she went into the ICU and realised that I am not related to that patient. I was glad that my mum was still in the scan room but feel sad for the other patient. I waited at the visitor lounge and saw mum finally after half and hour. She was on NRFM, breathless.
I was able to talk to her. I really admire her. Even though she was so breathless she smiled and asked me who informed me, then she told me that she got fever in the morning and felt breathless. Her doctor detected creps in the lungs so sent her for scan, she mentioned the Dr is very nice. That's all she told me. She didnt even complaint that she was feeling bad, she was feeling breathless. I was so upset that while she was suffering I was not by her side.
I knew sooner they will need to intubate her coz I can see she was breathing very hard. True enough after 10mins they decided to intubate her. I told her everything would be fine, I will be there with her and dont have to worry because it will make her feel better. She just said "Ok"... One thing about mum, I can feel she really want to live on. She got strong will hence she dont mind trying anything. She wants to live.........
After intubation, she is not getting better. She has got severe pneumonia and her BP dropped yesterday evening while I was talking to her. I told the nurses and they increased the dopamine. Her BP still remained low then my uncles and aunties started talking to her. She seems to be able to hear because the BP went up after everyone's encouragement. My uncles and aunties (mum's siblings) are really great. They are very supportive and concern throughout. They forced me to go back home to rest while they stay back for the night. I have no choice but to go home but I was not able to sleep well. I woke up every now and then having palpitations because I thought I heard my hp ring. I felt terrible.
Early this morning at 6plus, dad and I went to visit mum. I was told that she had thrombocytopenia. Her PLT was 5 only and after transfusion it went up to 38. It is still low. WBC very low..... her BP plunged again and they started her on nor adrenaline. She also went into DIVC this evening................. I dont understand why all these will happen. It just happened so suddenly that I really cannot accept. I feel very upset that she developed sepsis due to this admission and it leads to all those above. How can this happened? I thought she was well???
I got so much to tell her, I want her to live on, I want to bring her for tour, I want her to see her grand child........ Buddha, PLEASE HELP MUM. PLEASE.


  • I hope for the best for your mother. Take care.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:32 PM  

  • Maybe you could take time off to be with your mum... it's going to be difficult for you to continue working while fearing and worrying endlessly about your mom. Take care...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:00 PM  

  • Be strong frd and take care..

    By Blogger Unknown, at 11:16 AM  

  • I always believe that God will help kind people. Things will better when it hit the worst. Spend time with her... she needs your support.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:12 PM  

  • thanks but i am really very upset...its a very hard time for me, i tried to be very positive and hope for the best everyday... i hope God will give her a chance to live...

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 6:37 PM  

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