Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another 3 days....

Another 3 days will be the end of my "holidays"! Will go back to work on Sunday and it's starting of "sufferings"! How I wish I dont have to work................. getting very very lazy lately!
This afternoon sent ma to the hosptial and she will be starting TPN tomorrow. She will have to spend about 2 weeks in the hospital...... so poor thing, hope she will be healthy and fit for the op later.
In the evening, we met Nathan and Alvin for dinner. We had steamboat at Leslie's steamboat restaurant at Joo Chiat. It was not too bad but as I was eating, I was thinking dont know how much we would have to pay at the end of the dinner because it's ala carte style. Seldom have ala carte steamboat because it's always very costly. In the end, Alvin foot the bill and Nathan said it's for my pre-birthday celebration. So pai sae........ Thanks Nathan and Alvin! Will arrange one steamboat at my place next week k! ;)


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