Phie Phie's Blog

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Yesterday morning was quite all right! Finally completed my 11 days of shift work!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to go out to "celebrate" with a good meal!
We had thai food as usual coz that is our favourite! YUMMY!

Silly boy had Phat thai and I had beef noodles. His looks blend because he requested no vegetables! (he dont like spring onions and the uncooked bean sprouts)... However it is still very delicious!

We ordered two sides, one is his favourite prawn cakes and the other one is mine favourite, HOT AND SPICY steamed seabass! I wish to finish up the broth but it was too spicy! YUMMMMY!

Oh yeah, Nathan is coming back home soon! WELCOME HOME! ;)


  • YAY... I am home!!!!
    Thanks!!! YAY...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:07 AM  

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