Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, December 28, 2007

"Refresher" night!

WOOooooo last night was occupied! We were working for overflows patients. Out of our 6 patients, 3 were overflows patients and all 3 were very sick! My 2 patients were gasping and both were bleeding badly. Both need transfusion, need dialysis and both intubated! I got both patients mixed up and wrote the wrong report! Hahahahaha .....
It was kind of a refresher night because I have not been doing nights for months, then I have not been nursing very sick patients and also have not assist insertion of lines for a very long time! Last night, everything was being refreshed! Heeeeee though was quite occupied, was still able to manage. At least we have time to sit and have our supper.
Last night felt a little frustrated with the people'e behaviour. The test of the dialysis machine failed so we tried to troubleshoot but it ended up stuck on one of the screen that said "end treatment". Ann and I were puzzled because we never come to this screen before hence I called up the dialysis center. The staff kept asking me what happened and kept saying it is impossible to come to that screen. I told her in actual fact we didnt really press anything, just that the test failed and it came to that screen. She insisted that we pressed something. She kept grumbling said she will not be able to come up because she was so busy ...... blah blah.... then she wanted me to repeat what have I done. I told her "Stop bugging with that issue ok staff, that was already over, can you just tell me what can I do to help the patient now?????"
She kept quiet after that. For the patient's sake, we have to return blood which I have never done before. We did it cautiously, followed the instructions carefully.
Really cant stand the attitute! SO grumpy!
Then we were being forced to take the overflow, because there is "no other choice" but to admit to us. Want us to do a favour. All right, we did admit the patients and people want to do everythings stat. Order everything at the same time without realised that we have only 3 staff. I would say people are not appreciative. We took one after another but after we did the favour, they forgotten about it.
After a while, someone wanted us to admit another HD/ ICA lodger patient. We told him that we already doing others a favour and we have not settle those patients. I would not be able to manage another lodger patient. He can simply review cases in the HD/ ICA, why cant he just do us a favour to repay our kindness earlier? I dont understand the behaviour of people over here. Very selfish I would say.
True enough, the person woke himself up to review a patient and it solved all problem. It is that simple yet people just dont want to help.
Sigh....Come to think about it, if there is no overflows patients, we would be VERY free! Hahaha only 3 patients will be in the ICU!


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