Phie Phie's Blog

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The person that I least expected....

This morning dragged myself to work because I knew there is definately some scoldings today. (It's TUESDAY MAH!) What I predicted was true but I didnt expect it to start so early!
At 815am she called the ward and told whoever who picked up the phone to ask me to call her! !??!?!?!? Well, I called her and it was like "@#!@$!#%!#$%%@%#@%%@%#%%%$#%^$%^%#.......!@$@%$%#$^%$^%$..........." for about 2 minutes then I put down the phone to investigate.
The problem was things ordered but was not done by the staff. Of course it became my problem also. I felt like defending myself when she said "YOU DIDNT CHECK YESTERDAY! NEVER FOLLOW ROUNDS?!!??!?!"
"HEY I WAS OFF!!! I WAS OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!" how I wish I could say that but I cannot!
Anyway, after gathered some information of the incident, I went to pass to her about it and the ward. She seems all right by then until I mentioned about the incident. She started "$@%@%@$#@$%#^^" again but then at the end of the sentence she said "I am too tired and no energy to scold".... Yeah, I wouldnt say it wasnt the staff or my fault. What I can say is we should be more vigilent.
I have to send her email about who were the staff involved and another email about one waiver of charge for a patient. Additionally I have to follow up on a complicated complain case then followed by a meeting at 12noon till 5pm.
I felt breathless. Work cannot finish on time and I have to rush for the meeting. I came back at about nearly 5pm to complete the last email. I checked dont know how many case sheets and then called a few patients at home. I managed to finish everything by 6pm.
Oh... I got deviated by the _____ (elaine will know what word to fill in hahaha). I was supposed to mention the person whom I least expected has rendered help. She gave me advise and listen to me. Really appreciate her help!
No matter how unhappy I am... he always brighten up my day! Hahahaha his expression so funny!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow will be a better day..............


  • Little Joshua was shocked when I filled in the blank with my favourite word! Hahaha... I love that word.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 PM  

  • funny hor haahahhahaha

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 11:39 PM  

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