Phie Phie's Blog

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mum's 6th/7

Today is Mum's 42nd day which is also called the 6th/7 day. After 49 days, her photo will not be place in Bright Hill temple anymore instead I can only pray to her tablet.
Hence today I decided to cook a vegetarian lunch for her. This is the first time cooking vegetarian food. Vegetarian cod fish, vegetarian abalone with vegetables and lastly cantonese "lor hon chye" that mum used to cook during Chinese New Year. I had these food for lunch with dad as well and it taste good. I didnt know vegetarian cod fish taste so good!

A bowl of plain porridge to go with the dishes.
I also made a cup of her favourite almond drink (she asked for it in my dreams). Oh and I saw a dumpling, thanks to whoever who bought it for her. She wanted to have it during the time when she was admitted... I hope mum enjoyed her lunch!


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