Phie Phie's Blog

Monday, February 18, 2008

A sad day!

Everyone was wearing new uniform today. No more scrubs in the ICU from today onwards! So SAD! Of course everyone is not used to the "tight, rough and restricted" uniform because it is very inconvenient (eg. if we wear dress it is difficult to do SMU, have to be careful whenever we squat down........). So far no one wear pants yet, the gals are all wearing dress today. I dont like it because the collar strangles me! *Cough cough*! :(
While getting breakfast at one of our canteen this morning, I saw some drawings and words on the wall. Our canteen are closing on the 22nd this week after 20 years of service. After reading some of the words on the wall, I feel very sad that I will not be able to enjoy my favourite food in that canteen. My favourite prawn chor bee hoon dry and tom yam chor bee hoon.
One of the sentence that I saw at the drinks stall was "往事只能回味" and a note "Thanks for the support for the past 20 years", another one on the wall written by a staff was "thank you uncles and aunties, I will miss the food here!".... it's very upsetting.......
Uhmm, last night the young gal that I mentioned the other day passed away. It's sad but at least she dont have to suffer anymore. There were a few of her friends came to look for her and I broke them the news. One broke down after hearing the news.........
What a sad day uh????!??!?!?!


  • Life is such...
    When canteen was there, we keep complaining the food is always the same, the food no good, that auntie not nice etc etc... now it's gone, we miss it.

    And as for Angeline, so young... life is really very fragile.

    Cherish everything when you have them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 AM  

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