Phie Phie's Blog

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Happy Lunar New Year!

Did afternoon shift today with Siti and Kavitha. We ordered "Ritez" (I think this is the spelling) pizza. This is my first time trying this pizza, I like the calamari and the rest of the fried stuff. The above cost only $44.
I rushed home immediately after work to have my reunion dinner..........

I only remember to take pictures halfway through the dinner because very hungry! Heeee prawns and duck...

Lotus soup and spinach with abalone (dishes finishing...)

Had some dumplings made by Fengying! Nice!
Sigh... I dont think I want to pack my room, just leave it as it is! Hope no one will enter my room heee and also I didnt buy any new clothes... SIGH! Dont know what to wear tomorrow!


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