Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, February 01, 2008


This morning woke up to bring ma to clinic coz she complaint of tummy bloated. Luckily she felt better after some medication. As for me, I "self medicate", took the usual piriton and cough syrup hence......... VERY DROWSY whole day.
Towards the evening suddenly I was HYPO! My hands were trembling and I was having cold sweat! I think I was HYPO lor but I ate in the morning leh! So funny! I quickly get some sweet drinks and had errrr my home got nothing like bread or biscult lor so I ate cuttlefish hahahahahaaha...After a while I was all right. PHEW! Luckily never faint or go disoriented ahahahahaaha
Supposed to go Nathan's chalet but after medicine I felt so drowsy so I didnt go. THEN last minute now Silly boy just called said Nathan asked us to go join them..... since I slept just now I go ba heeeeee go there play mahjong also good!


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