Phie Phie's Blog

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mon at work

I thought today I will have a peaceful morning at work but this morning when I heard the alarms in the ICU I knew it would be busy. There was one very sick overflow case. It seems NO ONE want to admit the patient so we have to be the kind soul to take the patient. The best part was there was a bed in that ICU and we dont understand how come the case HAVE to flow to us. I think our reg is too kind hearted!
We admitted another two patients, one acute and one NSTEMI. Not long after the two cases, one consultant wanted to send in another patient but we were full so we didnt take the patient. Funny right, we filled up our beds with overflow case and have to reject our own patient...
The four of us ~ Mirana, Siti, Regine and myself work and work and work.... we just work and hardly even talk to each other. I used to talk a lot at work but I think today was my most quiet day at work hahaha! Everyone were busy with their own patients and practically no mood........
I just met Nathan and Wati at AMK Mac. We spent about two hours laughing and chatting! How nice and I am so glad that I am off tomorrow! YEAH!


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