Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, January 04, 2008

The last minute meet up!

After work, Nathan and I decided to go Bishan junction 8 for a walk. Walla called Nathan and hence we arranged to meet up with her as well. Walla said the $50 note smells very nice!
Today was the first time in Nathan's car heeeeee it's her turn to drive me around!

After an hour of loitering in the mall, we decided to have our dinner at Swensen. Somebody said want to have ice cream after dinner therefore we went Swensen.

Our appetizer was salad and my main course was crayfish pasta.

Walla had omelette and Nathan had black pepper seafood pasta.
After our main course, everyone was very full lor, ended up no one order the ice cream! *ROLLED EYES*!

I dont think we were shopping lor.... we were trying on things, mess up the place and laughing away!

Dont know what was this Walla doing!

After "fooling around", we had tea at coffee bean. A treat from Walla! We talked and laughed again.... laughed about "geneler knowledge", "the sour face of Walla"... hahahaha very silly but I am sure we enjoyed! ;)


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