Georgetown ~ Washington
Its Saturday morning! I woke up at about 6plus but lazed on the bed till 7plus. Finally dragged myself up to send mails, breathe in the mornng fresh air! Heeee... Yeah I know I can sleep a little longer or as long as I want but I just cant sleep!
I had my breakfast at BK near Rosslyn metro station before I head to Georgetown. That was about 11plus and I ordered a BIG FISH MEAL. Its too BIG for me, I cannot finish. Well, every meal is big, whatever I order a BIG share! I leftover half a packet of fries and one and half of the bread but I finished the veg and fish hahahaaha...
Initially I wanted to follow the map to walk down to Georgetown but I saw a bus that goes to Georgetown from Rosslyn station! Wow, so convenient! I took the bus but I dont know where to alight, so I looked out for the word "Georgetown" on the way.
Well, fortunately I heard a lot of the passengers were heading to Georgetown hence I followed them. Its actually quite obvious. Georgetown is just after a key bridge.
There is the shopping mall ~ Georgetown Park. It was quite a big one...
Inside the mall... the lift is so nice...
This is the food court
WAH, Nathan, you are so famous and so very rich leh! Got road named after you in Hong Kong and restaurant in Washington!!!!! Wah!!!!!! Steady leh!
Dean and Deluca ~ a supermart
Coach and Levi's... like I mentioned earlier, not cheap leh!
The key bridge.......
I didnt want to bring jacket so I wore 3 layers of thick sweater, wah really like dumpling! Eeeeeee
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!! I found chopsticks!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! USD0.99 heeee
These were the bags of stuff that I bought today. The things are expensive, I dont have the heart to buy. I went in to boutiques and everything cost like hundreds! There is a boutique named H&M, something like Zara and fortunately they are having sale, at least I found something like USD19.90 in this boutique... (USD19.90 not cheap also lor...) I bought some stuff from there... and today I spent about USD200! Heartache!
When I saw things that cost USD10, I will get very excited because its like something very cheap but come to think of it, its SG$14.60... it is not cheap after all, sometimes without me knowing, I can easily spend hundreds of dollars buying things that cost USD10 each.....!
I wonder how people here survive, everything is so expensive. The BK meal that I had cost me USD4.99 which is SG$7. Everyday if I were to spend like that, I will need about SG$3k just to eat, in fact maybe more than that! I guess the people here earn much more than us.
My dinner was BIG turkey wing, its really BIG!!!!!!!! With tom yam mee.... Woooo.... good lah, save $ hahahahahaha
HA... now U know how rich I am hor???
It's my secret actually... I dare not say only. Humph... *proud*
Ok, back to real topic... Washington is a nice place actually. Enjoy while U R there. As for shopping... don't buy will regret, but sometimes, too expensive buy liao oso regret. But dun shop like how we do in bangkok. Shop till no $$ to eat, shop till must carry garang guni bag back to hotel. Haa Haa.. so funny. Nice memories!
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM
ya, no one shop with me, so meaningless and no one eat with me, feel so lonely... really wanna cry this afternoon when i tasted the chinese food, i also dont know because of what.... uhmm but i know i will miss here when i need to go back!
Phie Phie, at 9:56 AM
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