Its working day again. Everyday have to climb up and down this escalator, its sooooooo long and scary. If I stand there it will take me 3 mins to reach, if I walk, I have to walk very slowly, in case I step onto my shoe laces and fall!...
This morning was cold... and now is raining about 4 degree.
This is the free lunch, there are more food but I only took a little to munch. The spinach taste really good! next is the Medstar helicopter, it flies to pick patients up from different places.
Today I helped to take blood again because the nurse told me that she is not very good in blood taking. Luckily they use vacutainer as well hence I easily got the blood! The nurses were very impressed, kept repeating and telling everyone that I know how to take blood. I was like "Hee Hee thank you...."... but I know they dont usually prick to take blood because their practice is different. They flush their heparin plug each shift make sure that it is patent and will take blood from there but we dont practice that that's why we are better in drawing blood from the veins. In the end, I go around helping them to take blood! Wa piang!
I wrapped the minced beef with BBQ sauce, nice leh hahhahhahaha eat together with salad and mushroom soup. Sigh, everyday got to think of how to cook the same food differently... what to do, the food here all pack in big portion have to buy that much and split to eat.
I am watching the "Heart of Greed", so nice... and its weekend!!!!!!! Long weekend!!!!!!!
HEY!!! I recognised that scarf!!! HEE!!!!!
Anonymous, at 10:27 PM
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