Yesterday, Elaine decided to take leave because there were extra staff working and the total in the ICU was low. I went to fetch her around noon and our first spot was Thomson Yaohan... Eh nope, its Thomson Plaza. There is no more Yaohan long ago! We went for tea at BK then we shopped around and saw "Lush nails" having 20% discount so we went in for pedicure! I was quite satisfied with the services they provided, it was quite comfy and I almost fell asleep!
On the left is my PINK nails...
We met Alvin for dinner and he brought us to a famous steamboat at beach road.

I quite like the steamboat because they served
fresh cockles and beef. The steam chicken supposed to be famous but I thought there are nicer ones at the other places!
Alvin suggested to try out some other pubs... so we went to Tanjong Pagar but we peeped at it and found that Uhmm it may not be suitable for me and Elaine to go in hehehehe get what I mean? We then changed to one of the pub near outram mrt... the beer and the environment was lousy!
Alvin said "I think drinkerz inn is still the best HOR?"Guess what, yeah we went back to drinkerz inn around 9plus. As usual, saw a lot of familiar faces and although it was not very crowded, we enjoyed ourselves!
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