Just came back from dinner, a birthday celebration for my "por por". My por por is 86 this year, she used to be a strong and healthy old lady however in recent years, her health detoriates... Hmmmm, por por, I wish that you will stay in good health!!! (por por in the picture on the right, behind is my irritating cousin and I think she spoilt the picture!) My por por has 12 children, and many grandsons and granddaughters... and the list gets longer when we grow older! Of course I will not forget to bring my camera when it comes to family gathering! Dinner was good...
Guess who was there????!!!!! HEHE little Genevieve!!! I took a lot of pictures of her, she was so "tae"
tonight, maybe wants to get more attention hehe the following are some pictures of her!
Little Gen was sleeping when I arrived. Little Gen, wake up! Wake up! Yi yi is here!!!!!!!

HAHAHA woke up already! I love to see baby CRY!!! SO CUTE!
Little Gen: Yi yi, I still want to sleep!!!!!!

Dont care! Wake up take pictures will yi yi!
Little Gen: UH.... :( ... UHMMm since I woke up already I play with my toy toy! ..... (look at her big fat thighs! haha)Come on little Gen, look at yi yi and smile.... Little Gen: Ok! (then you wont pester me again)

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