About today....
I was off today however I went back for ward meeting and I received a good news which was the bonus that we will be getting this month! WOW............. Calculated already, uhmmmm will be able to try out most of the restauran
ts that I wish to go! YEAH! (phie phie: mummy mummy phie phie also want to go!) Hehehe phie phie havent sleep ah, ok, mummy will bring u to those restaurants, hmmm mummy didnt bring phie phie out for quite some time already! Thereafter I went for dinner at Crystal Jade then followed by supper at Jackson with Nathan and Alvin. Sigh, I will put on weight soon! Today, the cockles at Ja
ckson was very fresh and big! I really love it! YUMMY YUMMY!
Next, we went to our usual spot which I dont need to mention where. Was rather enjoying until something happened. There was some commotion went on but doesnt involved us. We were there watching the "show", I was so afraid that the people will come over to my place to "fight".... Fortunately nothing happened to anyone... PHEW!
I am bloated again.............. GOSH!!!!!! I AM GOING TO BE A FATSO SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The picture on the right, that shadow was Elaine's fingers! How artistic!)

Next, we went to our usual spot which I dont need to mention where. Was rather enjoying until something happened. There was some commotion went on but doesnt involved us. We were there watching the "show", I was so afraid that the people will come over to my place to "fight".... Fortunately nothing happened to anyone... PHEW!
I am bloated again.............. GOSH!!!!!! I AM GOING TO BE A FATSO SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The picture on the right, that shadow was Elaine's fingers! How artistic!)
Me too!
Eat eat eat... play play
That's about all we do lately.
But I like...
Anonymous, at 12:53 PM
congrat... that's a great news
got free makan ornot :))
HY, at 4:13 AM
how can i cheat ur money?
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
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