Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, May 01, 2009

Siti's baby gal~ Alya's first month!

This morning...

"Gong gong (grandpa) reading recipe book I also want to read! Hmmmm what to have for dinner????? Ask mummy to cook my favourite dish!"
"All these recipe books belongs to por por (grandma). Daddy said por por is a very good cook. Too bad I do not have the chance to try......"
"This is my hair brush. Hmmm how to write with the cap on!?!? Must remove the cap!"
"Mummy said must hold the brush properly... let me think... use my right hand to hold it properly. Is this the right way??!!?"

"YEAH! Mummy and daddy is bringing me out!... bored in the car... are we reaching??!?!"
"Baby Alya's first month party! The above is Auntie Walla!"

"Auntie Siti and her children!"

"Auntie Walla with tiara..."
"Back home... hmm gums itchy *bite bite*... What's on the paper today?!? SWINE??"


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