Phie Phie's Blog

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine influenza

Yeah, because of "swine" I have to stay back to finish my work. I have lots of meetings to attend, lots of emails to read, lots of messages to pass... Today was the latest of all. I went home at 7plus in the evening. Sigh, went to work when the skies were still dark and came home when the sky turned dark.
So tired... but what to do, that's the nature of my job!
It was kind of fun today because most of the meetings I attended together with Jasmine. I have at least someone to crack jokes with and hahahaha we just cant stop laughing on our silly actions. I think only both of us find it funny coz it happened to us. Anyway, we just cant help but kept laughing about it. Somehow it reminded me of our days working together in A station and the ICU. Miss those days but then still happy then we are still able to work together after so many years. When I feel down at times, it is these friends that keep me going!
Hope that we can pull through the hard times again!


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