Phie Phie's Blog

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our wedding pictures

Slept the whole day today then woke up around 4plus and went to see a doctor. My flu is still bad and the cough worsen...... Dont feel like going to work tomorrow but ... cannot lor........
At 630pm we went downstairs (I mean the bridal shop) to select our photo. Very satisfied with the pictures and outdoor is definately nicer than the indoor pictures ;) these are some of the pictures that I took using handphone, it's blur but never mind lah hor, "it's hot from the oven"!

One of the indoor picture...

The outdoor pictures...


  • Can't wait to see the actual photos. :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:17 PM  

  • think it wont be ready so soon, they told me only can collect maybe on the 23rd... a day before the wedding. the cd can collect earlier though

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 8:57 PM  

  • very very very nice!!! cant wait to see the rest.. you two really look very perfect together

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:50 PM  

  • thanks thanks ;)

    By Blogger Phie Phie, at 7:38 PM  

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