St James power station ~ Dragonfly

Yeah I was there yesterday with Sitilok. We were thinking of a chill out place after dinner hence I suggested Dragonfly hoping that there would be a live band performance on Sunday. We were surprised that the place was crowded subsequently we found out that it is actually "ladies night" on Sunday. I was given 2 free drinks coupon and admission is free while the guys have to pay $12 for the admission with a free drink. Well, come to think of it, it is very worth for the ladies to go on Sunday ~ free drinks with entertainment!
However, 2 mugs of beer is definately not enough for me. Sitilok ordered a bucket of 6 bottles of Heineken, we finished it within hour and around 3am (I think), he ordered another bucket! Well, we finished everything and left the place at ... dont know what time hahahahaha I think around 5am.
The band is really good and entertaining. They sing from 11pm onwards for an hour and rest for half an hour before they start the next performance and lasted all the way till 5am. I like the ambience and the music, its a great chill out place!
Uhmmmm today I woke up and told myself never to drink for the week. I am rather sick of drinking because I have been drinking since Friday. I guess I need a week time to excrete the alcohol from my body!

Today's event ~ Refer Nathan's blog heeeeeee
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