Drinnkerz and St James

This morning I went to collect my passport at ICA building. I cant believe that there were almost another thousand people before my turn to get my passport! I waited from 1130am till 3pm! What I did for the 4 hours... well, I walked around the neighbourhood area (damn boring place!), had a tea in the coffeeshop (me like those ah chek sat there alone watch TV la kopi!), then went back to check out my queue number. Not even 500 after an hour... I went toilet (take my time to do big business) then came out to have another tea... went out again to buy newsapaper and sat in the canteen to read every single page of it then had tea again... of course after so many tea, I went toilet almost 4 times just to pee (its ok, to past time mah)..... still not my turn yet so I sat on the chair to stone while waiting for my number to be call.........
Its terrible!
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